Thanksgiving Service Celebrating God’s Faithfulness for Onyeka Samuel Enujiugha

By Emeka Chiaghanam


In everything and for everything, we should give thanks to God. We should always appreciate Him, as He has the best plans for us. As humans, we owe God gratitude in every situation.

Pastor Emeka Ezenwa, the Lead Pastor of Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners Chapel International) in Mbaukwu, Awka South LGA, declared this during the Thanksgiving Service for the late Onyeka Samuel Enujiugha of Diodo Village, Nri, Anaocha LGA at Living Faith Church Mbaukwu.

He emphasized that it is only through God's mercy that we are who we are in life, and therefore, we should always give thanks to Him. He thanked God for His provision, the fair weather, and the many reasons to be grateful during the burial late Onyeka Samuel Enujiugha.

Drawing from Scripture, he emphasized that it can only be God. He mentioned that there are groups of people the scripture admonished us to care among which are the widows and fatherless.

Praying for the family, Pastor Ezenwa declared, "We commit the Enujiugha family, especially that of Onyeka, into Your hands, be a husband to the wife, and a father to the children, and above all, supply all their needs according to Your riches in glory. Lord, You are the Comforter; comfort the children. Any vacuum that has been created, Lord, replace it. Build a hedge around the Enujiugha family. None of them will die young or untimely but will be satisfied with long life and shown Your salvation."

“Any cankerworm, palmerworm, or bitter root responsible, let it be rooted out. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so will You surround the Enujiugha family. Any tongue that rises against them in judgment shall be condemned. Surely they shall gather, but not against them.”

He further proclaimed, “I hand over the son and the children to You, Lord. Just as You have sustained me as an only son and enabled me to excel in life, I impart the same wisdom and anointing to him. You will become a battle axe in the hands of your enemies, take the battle to their gates, and return victorious.”

“The same applies to the daughters. They shall be like Deborah, Lois, and Eunice, outstanding in life. From this day, I declare that sound mind, an excellent spirit, and retentive memory shall be their portion. Whatever negative patterns may exist, they are separated from them. I decree God's blessings upon every one of them,” prayed Pastor Ezenwa.

Pastor Ezenwa beseeched God to grant the late Onyeka Enujuigha's wife, Mrs. Ekene Enujuiugha, the wisdom to manage the affairs of their children and the resources effectively. “From this day, things will begin to work for you. Anything placed in your hands will not diminish. Standing on the integrity of God’s word in Deuteronomy 18:8, wisdom and knowledge will be imparted to you, making you outstanding in life. Whatever seems like a story in your life shall be turned into a testimony. You will not fail in this task. You will be outstanding and accomplish your purpose,” he stated.

Pastor Ezenwa prayed for every member of the Enujiugha family, asking God to grant the eldest, Mr. Ikechukwu Enujiugha, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to lead the family effectively. “I place a seal of protection on each of you, for it is written, ‘Touch not my anointed ones, and do my prophets no harm.’ You are marked by Christ and exempted from evil. Each of you will fulfill your destiny,” prayed Pastor Emeka.

Pastor Uchenna Emmanuel Enujiugha, Pastor in-Charge of Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners Chapel International), Akwaeze, Anaocha LGA, and younger brother to the late Onyeka Enujiugha, expressed his gratitude to God for life, acknowledging His benevolence and the strength to move forward. “God is faithful, and we shall always magnify Him for His goodness. I am thankful that everything went well, which was the essence of today's Thanksgiving. We are grateful to God,” he said.

Mr. Ikechukwu Enujuigha, the eldest of the Enujuigha family, described his late brother as a wonderful person with whom he enjoyed a strong relationship. He said of his late brother, “He was a wonderful brother of mine. I thank God for my life, and as long as I’m alive, I will take care of his family’s welfare.”


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