North Holds Futile Security Summits, Avoids Essential Decentralized Security Reforms

By Polycarp Onwubiko

Laughably, Vanguard Saturday June 29, 2024 carried a news captioned: "Billion dollar blood money: stakeholders unite to crush banditry in N/West."

A critic and realistic minded fellow against the regular and frivolous security summits said as follows:

"Where is the truth regarding going after those funding these bandits and criminals? Just the other day, we witnessed the UAE authorizing Dubai to act against those funding terrorism and banditry in Nigeria.

"How did that turn out? Where is the truth about dismantling the ecosystem of these bandits and criminals? Terrorists are not invincible; they have associates, friends, and family".


It does not pay to engage in hypocrisy and insincerity cum deception regarding the stark reality of Federal system of government in a heterogeneous society like Nigeria. The pervasive and intractable insecurity throughout the country has pragmatic and strategic solution which is to revert to the Regional (taking the Six Geopolitical Zones as the new Federating Units in a Restructured Federation) or call it "State Police".

Laughably, the "Fulani Feudal Oligarchy and Northern Political Emirate Establishment" that claim to be dictating how Nigeria should be governed hate with passion anything about Restructuring the lopsided Federation because it would truncate their dream Islamization agenda, point-blank! They, in their self-deception, instigate the phony Security Summits for distraction away from the nationwide clarion calls for the immediate Restructuring of the lopsided Federation with decentralized security architecture as integral part.

Reading the so-called "Summary of the discussions"  on the supposed Security Summit , one felt sorry for the Cabal in their unrelenting gimmickry to resist the reinventing of true fiscal federalism to enable Nigeria to reinvent itself and develop the vast natural and mineral resources within each of the six geopolitical zones as the new Federating Units if the lopsided Federation will be Restructured.

Instead of championing the immediate establishment of state police, they brazenly kept on diverting attention by paying university lecturers for useless Security Summits whereby the supposed recommendations gather dust in the shelf at the Aso Rock Villa. Who is fooling whom?

 Polycarp Onwubiko, a political analyst writes from Awka, Anambra State


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