Buhari's Advice on Food Production and Population Control: Horrible Happenings Can Never End In Nigeria

By Polycarp Onwubiko

Former president Buhari was reported to have advised Government to provide the necessary facilities to enhance food production in addition to population control. Haba! Wonders shall never end, as the saying goes.

Does Buhari who during his eight years reign of terror and positioned himself as a confirmed,  unmatchable dictator and ethnoreligious irredentist and bigotry thinks that all Nigerians have shot memory? Whose ethno-religious bent in governance triggered food scarcity and food inflation? Was it not president Buhari?

Due to the infamous ECOWAS protocol free movement championed by the military regime in Nigeria ostensibly targeted to open Nigeria's borders for unchecked infiltration of Fulani tribes from the Sahel region of West Africa into Nigeria not only to increase the population of Moslems in Nigeria but also for ethnic cleansing and territorial expansion by mindless slaughtering of indigenous people in southern Kaduna and middle belt states while the supposed Nigerian police were watching the body language of Aso Rock Villa landlord, Buhari and now president Tinubu.

The terrorists masquerading as herdsmen having mindlessly slaughtering farmers in the Christian communities and settled there while the survived ones are languishing in makeshift refugee resettlements while the APC past and present presidents believed that such horrendous criminality, atrocities perpetrated by foreign invaders never merited attention of the federal government.

As years go by, the survived people in the refugee resettlements are dying in droves and even occasionally attacked by the Fulani herdsmen while the present Aso Rock Villa landlord has not said anything about the horrible situation when the country is not at war with neighbouring country to warrant refugee resettlements. President Tinubu unfortunately pretends that all is well in Nigeria.

How can there not be food crises and food inflation when the terrorists masquerading as herdsmen being openly protected by the so-called Nigerian police and sister security agencies cannot allow farmers to access their farms to cultivate and harvest their farm products? Population increase in Nigeria stemmed from the senseless ECOWAS protocol free movement across West African countries ostensibly only into Nigeria became other West African countries did not agree with the useless ECOWAS protocol free movement because it violated the Sovereignty of their respective country.

This outright rubbish is never practiced by any country because it is the right of any country to protect its Sovereignty and check immigrants because sane and sanitized countries are sensitive to security of their countries due to the prevalence of terrorists in many parts of the world.

If Buhari wants to be taken seriously by his hypocritical advice, he should advise his successor, president Tinubu (who proclaimed that he would continue the governance style and trajectories of his predecessor, Buhari )to give command to the Chief of Army Staff and the Inspector General of Police to mobilize their officers and men to drive away the terrorists masquerading as herdsmen who had the northern borders flung open for their infiltration.

It is as clear as crystal that these murderous pimps and goons are not indigenous people of Nigeria and should go back to wherever they came from. Tribal sentiment was brazenly exhibited by Buhari as he closed his eyes while the terrorists masquerading as herdsmen were infiltrating into the country through the borders in the northern part of the country. The plan was ostensibly to swell the population of Moslems in Nigeria, point-blank!


Polycarp Onwubiko is a political analyst writes from Awka, Anambra State

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